Some News

My friend and fellow artist Mithoron passed away shortly before Christmas.
That was a massive shock to a lot of people.
I will miss his humour and his art.
He was always there to give support and help.
You will be sorely missed Mith.

Something more annoying than anything else. Yuku has migrated to another provider and they couldn't even be bothered to send emails to people who own forums.
I have to set up a new forum for my website.

I have done a few things render-wise but being upset didn't help much. I am also still reorganising my content which usually helps me to get some ideas when I stumble over stuff I had forgotten about, didn't remember I ever bought etc. You get the drift.
The other issue I am way too lazy to upload all the stuff to 5 different galleries. It's like pulling teeth or maybe worse.

Then I have also invested more time in knitting because:
a) sitting at the desk for hours is very painful and my comfy chair and knitting helps to ease my pain.
b) staring at the monitor doesn't help my eyes.
c) my muse has buggered off once again. 
I open D|S and stare at the blank screen and just nothing happens. Or I start something, test render and then I think wtf are you doing this looks awful. And the program is shut down again.


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